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About Me.

Hi, I'm Amor! I've always had a passion for understanding people and the world around me, which is why I pursued a career in UX research - to help make technology more accessible, usable, and enjoyable for everyone.

I have an associate's degree in anthropology, which has taught me to take a cultural and linguistic perspective in all my research and design projects. In addition, working with accessibility users has given me a deeper understanding and empathy for their needs and experiences. This, combined with my background in anthropology, helps me approach every project with an inclusive and human-centered mindset.

I've conducted both in-depth studies spanning several months and agile research in just a few days. Regardless of the project timeline, I always strive to understand the user and create solutions that work for them.

When I'm not researching, you'll find me exploring one of my many hobbies such as cooking, fashion design, gardening, fitness, and crocheting.

Overall, in both my work and personal life I believe that every person deserves a positive and accessible experience in life and with technology, and I'm excited to bring my passion and skills to all new projects.



Austin, Texas

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